Black and BAME/Ethnic Minority Talent Programme

The UK economy could benefit from a £24bn-a-year boost if black and minority ethnic people progressed in work at the same rate as their white counterparts . (The McGregor-Smith Review, 2017)
Black and Ethnic Minority people are under-represented at every management level in the workplace. One in eight of the working age population is from a Black and Ethnic Minority background, yet only one in ten are in the workplace and only one in 16 top management positions are held by an ethnic minority person. (BITC Research, 2014)
Black and Ethnic Minority Talent is not just another career development programme; it was developed from over fifteen years specifically in learning and development, assessing and developing leaders and giving feedback, designing and facilitating learning interventions, I am pleased to announce the Black and Ethnic Minority Development programme. Research, observation, feedback, specialist expertise, credibility and deep experience with a proven track record are all brought to bear in the design and content of this programme. This unique and original programme has been specifically tailored not to overlap with existing in-company talent management or general leadership development programmes and curricula but to run as a well tailored in-house module, series of modules or a public programme. It includes the following:

Why a Black and Ethnic Minority-specific programme?

The question was also first asked about female- only development programmes. And the answer is similar. It is ultimately to do with under-representation. Black and Ethnic Minority people are significantly under-represented in most organisations at every level, compared with the local or national demographic and benchmark data. The figure falls off even more significantly the higher you go up the organisation.

The fact is that Black and Ethnic Minority employees do not experience the same rate of promotion or progression relative to non-Black and Ethnic Minority colleagues so there is something happening within organizations that is screening and filtering Black and Ethnic Minority employees out, at a disproportionate rate, of leadership development and progression. Whilst the organization implements programmes to address culture, inclusion and respect, support for and working specifically with Black and Ethnic Minority colleagues to understand factors and prepare them for effectiveness at higher levels and support their progression is also vital to address.

Black and Ethnic Minority Talent Programme Testimonials

Thank you very much for the inspiring session that you facilitated. Your philosophy is my new work mantra and I intend to keep that at the forefront of my mind FOREVER!​

S, Media sector
My mindset has shifted on how I look at adding value to my organisation.

E, Technology sector
To request a well tailored in-house programme or for information on public programmes, kindly click on the Contact Button Below.